13 = goddess number

13 goddess.jpg

written in 2016 by annik:

i hope everyone enjoyed their lucky friday the 13th. friday is the day of venus. venus is the feminine energy. last week i read something interesting on the origin of associating freaky shit or bad luck to the number 13. i’m not sure how accurate the history part is, because internet.

but this is what i read: there are 13 lunar cycles per calendar year. this is why a menstruating human has 13 cycles per year and ovulates on the 13th day of their cycle. (ps back in the day when humans were in daylight and moonlight more than now w screens and fake lights all day and night, menstruation was synched w the new moon and ovulation w the full moon.)

i can talk about periods for a while but i’ll move on. back to the friday the 13th thing i read- in 1487, divine feminine energy + free-thinking  were suppressed, + labeled witchcraft by heinrich kramer. who apparently is the dude who burned many healers / witches at the stake due to hatred for powerful female leaders. // so the number 13 is not bad luck or associated to creepy shit.

unless you like creepy shit cos you’re a bad-ass halloween-lovin witch, healer-babe hahaha. then proceed w appreciating black cats + crows on friday the 13th, and any 13th!


love of lavender


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